MOE Mathematics Framework
MOE Mathematics Framework
The mathematics curriculum framework summarises the essence of mathematics teaching and learning in schools. Learning mathematics at all levels involves more than the primary acquisition of concepts and skills. It also crucially consists of understanding the underlying mathematical thinking, the general problem-solving strategies, and positive attitudes to and appreciation of mathematics as an essential and powerful tool in everyday life.
The framework (shown above) shows an effective mathematics program’s underlying principles that apply to all levels, from the primary to A-levels. It sets the direction for teaching, learning, and assessing mathematics. Mathematical problem-solving is central to mathematics learning. It involves acquiring and applying mathematics concepts and skills in a wide range of situations, including non-routine, open-ended, and real-world problems.
The development of mathematical problem-solving ability depends on five interrelated components, namely, Concepts, Skills, Processes, Attitudes and _Metacognition
For more details – Aims & Framework of Mathematics